(An English Table of Contents with descriptions can be found after the cover page.)


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English Table of Contents



Language the article is written in


(Front inside cover: C'uyashca cai revistata rezaj)

(Letter to the reader)

Central Highland, Imbabura


Alicunata ruranata na cunganamanda

“About the need not to forget to do right” (a fable with a moral)



Ñuca causai: José Manuel Guamán Yumbo

“My Life” (Testimony)

Central Highland


Familiapi ali causaimanda

Bible teaching about the family



¿Imashi gan?




Chuscu Salasaca Crijcuna Bautizarishcamunda

News article about baptisms in a Quichua church



Ñuca llajta imamanta “Los Ángeles” shutita charishcamantami

“Why my village is called Los Angeles” (interview with an older man)

Central Highland


Ñuca causai: Beatriz Grefa

“My Life” (Testimony)

Upper Napo



Poetry in Quichua

Central Highland


Ñuca causai: Segundo Anrango

“My Life” (Testimony)



Salmo 121

Text of Psalm 121 from two of the Quichua Bibles

Central Highland, Imbabura


¿Cambaj rimaica maimantataj shamurca?

“Where did your language come from?” (Genesis 11:1-9, Revelation 7:9)

Central Highland, Imbabura


Quichuata yachashun

“Let's learn (to read) Quichua”

Central Highland, Imbabura


Quichua cashnami quillcashca

“This is How Quichua is Written” (help with spelling problems in Quichua)

(Central Highland, etc.)


Letrinacunata charinamanta

“About the Need to Have Outhouses”

Central Highland


Cashnami shuj letrinataca shayachi tucungui

“This is How You Can Build an Outhouse”

Central Highland


Ñuca causai: Pablo Sáez

“My Life” (Testimony)



¿Quichua rimaipi quillcashca librocunataca charisha ninguichu?

“Do you want to have books written in the Quichua language?”

Central Highland, etc.


Ecuadorpi rimaj Quichua rimaicunamanta

“About the Quichua Languages of Ecuador”

Central Highland, Imbabura


(Back cover: FEDEPI)

“FEDEPI?” (our Ecuadorean organization set up to serve the Quichuas)

Central Highland, Spanish


** Articles written by native Quichua speakers.

* Articles transcribed from recorded interviews of native Quichua speakers.